Upon graduation from college in 1973, my room mate and I boarded a bus in Tijuana, Mexico and traveled by land to Cochabamba, Bolivia. Works before this journey have negative numbers. After, positive numbers. Numbers in brackets are from 2010 UCB/ECAI catalog count.
After the First Series, c. 1973-1977, begins to wane, basic AE tenets guide in their efforts to ‘out the unconscious’ and develop ones intuition to a sensibility worthy of artistic expression. Mahayana Tantra and the Hesychasm continue evoke a powerful response in the artist as do Animist and Shamanistic influences.
‘Theopoeisis’ A New Innocence! An
icon of ritual intent, follows #105[93] consecrated at the 1985 Easter Vigil for that church with spiritual root in Cuernavaca drawings (and Mexico City earthquake!) that leads, 7 paintings of the same theme and 15 years later, to this image- A consideration of the possibility, the ‘indwelling’ of the Holy Spirit- The Holy Land within. Thus, the pilgrim way of the
Holy Lander!
Who Told You You Were Naked? (Detail)
‘Theopoeisis’ A New Innocence! An
icon of ritual intent, follows #105[93] consecrated at the 1985 Easter Vigil for that church with spiritual root in Cuernavaca drawings (and Mexico City earthquake!) that leads, 7 paintings of the same theme and 15 years later, to this image- A consideration of the possibility, the ‘indwelling’ of the Holy Spirit- The Holy Land within. Thus, the pilgrim way of the
Holy Lander!
Oil on Canvas 12’ x 8’ 1996-99. ‘Theopoeisis’ A New Innocence! An
icon of ritual intent, follows #105[93] consecrated at the 1985 Easter Vigil for that church with spiritual root in Cuernavaca drawings (and Mexico City earthquake!) that leads, 7 paintings of the same theme and 15 years later, to this image- A consideration of the possibility, the ‘indwelling’ of the Holy Spirit- The Holy Land within. Thus, the pilgrim way of the
Holy Lander!
Oil on Canvas 34” x 24” ‘96-’99
c. #175. Extra Agenda
c. #177. Extra Agenda
Paper Mache over wire core including ‘found elements’ of ‘presence’ found in Huachuca, AZ during our four-year sojourn there. Like the paintings, this ‘object’ carries the energies of that place and intentions…
Within the Sacred Precinct I
Oil on Panel